Sunday, April 27, 2008

Fritos Candle for vending machine recipe mood lighting

If you need some mood lighting for you vending machine recipe, try Fritos. Fritos burn easily and will stay burning for a few minutes. So make a candle to go with your chocolate rose and really impress that special someone.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Traveling Munchie #13 - Herr's Chocolate Covered Potato Chips

Today's traveling munchie comes from my sons Forrest and Craig, who were lucky enough to go on a tour of the Herr's Potato Chip factory in Nottingham, Pennsylvania with the Boy Scouts.

Thinking of Dear Old Dad, they managed to pitch in and buy me this container of Chocolate Covered Potato Chips with the money they didn't blow on game room games, snacks for themselves, and other souvenirs.

These chips, by the way, taste fantastic! I love the salty - sweet combination and the crunchy - smooth combination that the chocolate and the potato chip provide as contrast to one another.

The most amazing thing is they survived the 6 hour bus ride home!

Monday, April 14, 2008

TM Radio: Shamrock Shake Poetry

On today's episode of Traveling Munchies Radio my guest host is Topher who brings news of late season Shamrock Shake availability, store ratings, and a special poem about everyone's favorite minty green shake.

Shamrock Shake
A Fib poem by Topher

Shamrock Shake.
Kudos Grimace, for
My annual frozen delight.
Why does Saint Patrick's Day come 'round only once a year?

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Saturday, April 5, 2008

Vending Machine Recipe #11: Chocolate PB&J Tarts

Peanut Butter and Jelly is a classic sandwich for kids of all ages, right? Pop Tarts are a good source of seven essential vitamins and minerals, right? And chocolate? Well, who doesn't like chocolate?

This recipe tastes good and is good for you. It is a brunch sort of recipe since it has the breakfast-oriented Pop Tarts combined with the lunch-oriented PB&J sandwich.

It is very filling and can easily be shared amongst 3 or maybe even four people.

1 Package Reese's Peanut Butter Cups
1 Pouch Kellogg's Strawberry Pop Tarts
Serves: 3
Price: $1.80

Break off a piece of peanut butter cup and break of a piece of pop tart. Eat them together at the same time.

Vending Machine Recipe #10: Vegetable Soup

Man I wish the vending machine would stock those meat sticks again. There are so many recipes waiting to be born if only there were meat. In the mean time, I happened to see a Mrs. Freshley's Carrot Cake and thought: "What can I make with carrots?" The obvious choice to go with carrots is potatoes, and thus was born this recipe for vegetable soup.

I know what you're thinking: "How can it be soup without liquid?" Use your imagination people. It's a vending machine recipe. This one would make an excellent side dish for those meat recipes that I will have when I find meat sticks in a vending machine again.

1 Package Mrs. Freshley's Carrot Cake
1 Bag Lay's Classic Potato Chips
Serves: 2
Price: $1.85

Break a piece of carrot cake off the bottom of the cake being careful to not include any of the frosting. Place the carrot cake piece onto a potato chip and pop it in your mouth.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

TM Radio: Traveling With Cakes

Why in the world is someone from Quatar searching for "Pictures of Drakes Cakes". Listen as we discuss this as well as other favorite google search keywords that lead people to, such as "traveling with cakes".

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