Monday, September 17, 2007

Snack like a pirate on National Talk Like a Pirate Day

Ahoy there ye scurvy dogs. The 19th o' September be National Talk Like a Pirate Day so I thought it only be fittin' to examine a snack fit for a pirate.

This here picture be from a bag o' Pirate's Booty popcorn snack. Only I don't be thinkin' tis the work o' a real pirate. Look what it says thar on the package.
"Thar be good"

Tisn't the way to be sayin' that matey. By rights, that ought to be:
"They be good"

"Thar" is to be used to indicate a place like "Thar she blows".

If your wantin' to be talkin' like a pirate proper, then set sail for the english-to-pirate translator and do it the right way.


Anonymous said...

Avast! ye scum-swigging seacook! Them thar poofy cheese puffs be no fit snack for any self-respectin' pirate. We need beef jerky and salty hardtack (whate're that be), a few tankards o' grog, and, o' course, a cracker for me shoulder matey here.

Captain Red Harry Cash said...

Have ye seen the Jerky at
Pirate Jerky? Tis a true
Pirate treat.