Sunday, December 30, 2007

Traveling Munchies Radio now on iTunes

Can't get enough of Traveling Munchies Radio? It is now available in iTunes for your listening pleasure. Click here to subscribe.

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Where to Buy Potato Chips Online

Looking for somewhere to buy potato chips online because you can't find your favorite chips where you live? Or maybe you are a potato chip collector or you collect the tazos that come in Sabritas chips. Well, look no further. Here are some chip related items available right now on eBay.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Traveling Munchies Radio: Who is that Potato Dude on the Calbee Chips?

Who is that Potato dude on the Calbee Hot and Spicy Potato chips from Hong Kong? He is kind of like Mr. Peanut but not as well dressed. In this episode we debate the possible explanations for this fellow.

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Friday, December 21, 2007

Traveling Munchies Radio: If I were a munchie in a vending machine

In this episode we discuss where the ultimate spot in the vending machine would be if we were a munchie.
Mobile post sent by travelingmunchies using Utterz Replies.  mp3

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Traveling Munchies Radio: Mrs. Freshley Does Not Exist

In this episode we discuss the disturbing fact Mrs. Freshley does not exist. There's a Little Debbi, a Mrs. Fields, a Mr. Peanut, but there is no Mrs. Freshley. We also discuss the freshness of Bachmann's Potato Chips.

Mobile post sent by travelingmunchies using Utterz Replies.  mp3

Monday, December 17, 2007

Traveling Munchie #11 - Baby Star snacks and other Asian munchies

Traveling muncher Joe just got back from Hong Kong and brought us a delectable assortment of snack foods. Included in the bunch were Shrimp Chips, Hot and Spicy potato chips, Smoked Flavor Roller Coasters which appear to be some sort of potato snack shaped like Calamari, and some noodle snacks with great cartoon directions on the back which are titled "Way to Eat". The directions go as follows:
"Can eat by hand
Can eat from bag
Suits the time when drink beer or tea"

This munchie adds Asia to the list of continents from which our munchies have traveled leaving only Africa and Antarctica to go. So if you are a scientist freezing your buns off in Antarctica send us a picture of whatever it is you eat down there for snacks. Send your pictures to

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Video: How Potato Chips are Made

Ever wonder how potato chips are made? Check out this video available on MetaCafe that shows the process. The best thing I learned was there are about 36 chips in the average potato. So that means we the bags we use for the Virtual Potato Chip Bag Collection contain about 1 potato each. (a grocery delivery service) has Yellow Potatoes for about 50 cents each so that is about 50 cents for a bag of chips, whereas it cost 85 cents in the local vending machine. Not bad!

It's Raining Potato Chips! - For more funny movies, click here

Friday, December 14, 2007

Twinkie the Grandkid not as talented as his father

This Hostess Twinkie showed up in the vending machine this week and I have to admit I didn't recognize it at first. What is with the retro color scheme and even worse, what is with that new character on the front? I came to the conclusion that it must be Twinkie the Grandkid because that is definitely not the Twinkie the Kid I used to know and love.

Simply compare this YouTube video with the heroic twinkie rescuing a runaway train and compare it to that amorphous pseudo-phallic blob of a cowboy they have on the package now and you will see what I mean.

The grandkid has really squandered his father's legacy and let the twinkie product go to pot. The one I had was really rather disappointing. I hope Hostess takes notice and fires the grandkid, because he clearly does not know his way around a bakery.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Traveling Munchie #10 - Papas fritas from Mexico

Good old Jairo. He just brought back a whole bag full of different papas fritas (potato chips) from Mexico. I really like the Sabritas chips. Sabritas is the Mexican cousin of Lays as it is also owned by Pepsi Co. Of course they have been duly entered into the virtual potato chip bag collection.

Traveling Munchie #9 - Choc Koala from Australia

Got another contribution from traveling muncher Shar who sent in this chocolate koala bear from Australia and writes:
G'Day Mate, here's a fair dinkum munchie from Down Under.

Took this picture in Sydney, Australia. The zoo in Canberra had some baby platypusses, called "puggles." They were swimming and cavorting in some bubbly water but, alas, no pictures were allowed because they are shy.

Thanks for the munchie Shar! Keep 'em coming.

If you would like to submit a traveling munchie to the blog, send your photo to