Monday, December 8, 2008

Cheetos Pet

Yes! That's what I'm talkin' about. Stick it to the vending machine man by growing your own Cheetos! I'm totally there. Where do I send my 2 easy payments of $12.95 plus shipping and handling? I can wait 4 - 6 weeks. Really I can. Just send it ASAP! Link to YouTube Video.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Potato Chip Truck Burns on the Highway

Oh the humanity! I just read this news article on a site called Fresh Plaza. The story tells of a truck hauling Lays Potato Chips which had it's brakes catch on fire and burn the whole truck load of chips. I don't know which part I laughed harder at: the quote from deputy fire chief Michael Willets who said: "It's up to Lays Potato Chips to clean up the mess left on the side of the highway as a result of the fire" or the tag line on the Fresh Plaza website:

Fresh Plaza: Global Fresh Produce and Banana News

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

TM Radio: Ye Olde Vending Machine

Today's episode is dedicated to listener Amy's birthday and to Thanksgiving. What were vending machines like in the day's of the pilgrims on Plymouth Rock? Listen and find out.

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Thursday, November 20, 2008

Vending Machine Recipe #16: Amos and Andy Chocolate Chip Hot Fries

Today's recipe was inspired by the name combination more than anything. How could I possibly pass up the opportunity to combine Famous Amos cookies with Andy Capp's Hot Chili Cheese Steak Fries to get an Amos 'n' Andy recipe?

Of course that radio series and television show were way before my time, and were highly controversial for their racial stereotypes but stereotypes sell snacks (just look at Andy Capp - the stereotypical unemployed, gambling drunk).

This recipe is like a mexican mole sauce (chocoloate and chili pepper). The sweet chocoloate and spicy chili go well together, although the cheese and french fry underpinnings are somewhat out of place.

1 Bag Famous Amos Chocolate Chip Cookies
1 Bag Andy Capp's Hot Chili Cheese Steak Fries

Serves: 2
Price: $1.80

Eat 2 - 3 fries per cookie. Experiment with different ratios for different flavors.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

TM Radio: Halloween Vending Machine

On today's episode we discuss the similarities between Halloween and vending machines.

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Thursday, September 11, 2008

TM Radio: Unwinding with Monkey Crackers and Pound Cake

On today's episode we talk with Jon Baker from The Unwind about monkey animal crackers and pound cake. How many calories are in a monkey?

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Friday, August 22, 2008

TM Radio: H4 No F2 No Doh!

In today's episode of Traveling Munchies Radio Nick describes his misfire at the vending machine in an attempt to snack.

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Monday, August 11, 2008

Vending Machine Snack Recipe #15: BBQ Peanuts

I went to a Texas Roadhouse chain restaurant the other day and they had peanuts for snacks while you wait for your food (which was usually something barbecued). The kids loved it because you could just throw the peanut shells on the floor when you shucked them.

That taste of BBQ and peanuts was really good. So in honor of that, today's vending machine snack recipe is BBQ Peanuts.

1 Sleeve Planters Peanuts
1 Bag Miss Vickie's Smokehouse BBQ Potato Chips

Serves: 2
Price: $1.70

Place 2 peanuts on each potato chip. Pop the combo in your mouth and enjoy.

Friday, August 8, 2008

TM Radio: Free The Chicken Broth!

On today's episode we discuss free range chicken broth and cajun buffalo wings.

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Thursday, August 7, 2008

Vending Machine Recipe #14: Baby Ruth and The Donettes

Have you heard the latest signing sensation in the world of vending machine Do-Wop groups?

It's Baby Ruth and the Donettes.

Yes, the sugar sweet tones of the Donettes perfectly complement the nutty lyrics of Baby Ruth. It's a delightful harmony of flavor between these two snacks.

Follow the simple recipe below and enjoy a treat that's music to your mouth.

1 Sleeve Hostess Donettes
1 Nestle Baby Ruth Bar
Serves: 2
Price: $1.85

All singing acts need a stage, so fashion a stage out of paper and pen. If you don't have a stage, then perhaps you can assemble them around a burning barrel in an alley (alleys have good acoustics). To eat, open the Baby Ruth Bar. Put a Donette hat on Baby Ruth (makes her look cool). Eat her head off. Repeat until all Donettes are gone.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

TM Radio: Remedial Duck Bankrupts Snack Company

On Today's episode of traveling munchies radio we discuss drakes ring dings and duck math. The funniest part about listening this to after we recorded it was I got the math wrong too! I said the cakes had 70 calories instead of 170 calories. Oh well, count me as a remedial duck too.

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Thursday, June 19, 2008

TM Radio: Push the pulp button Squiggy!

On today's episode we discuss why the pulp level is not identified on the straberry bannana Tropicana orange juice carton wheras it features prominently on all the other cartons.

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Friday, May 23, 2008

Chee-toes courtesy of The Unwind

Thanks to Jon over at The Unwind for custom making me one of my munchie photoshop ideas: Chee-toes.

If anyone else would like to contribute some snack-related artwork, I'm also looking for:

  • Animal Crackers that have actual animal fur
  • Chest-hair cheetah
  • Animal Cheetos
  • Potato C.H.I.P.S. (as in the 70's TV show)
  • Thursday, May 15, 2008

    Vending Machine Recipe #13: Ice Age Diorama

    Today's recipe makes a great edible centerpiece. Heck, it can even be a science fair project.

    When I saw this gigantic Entemann's Iced Honey Bun in the vending machine I knew that only a true glutton would try to make a recipe out of that 5 oz. / 560 calorie food bomb. Hence, being a true glutton I totally went for it.

    As you may have read in previous posts, Animal Crackers are my favorite item in the machine and make for excellent entertainment on a slow day at work low budget.

    What's great about the Austin Zoo Animal Crackers, is that they have a penguin as one of their shapes -- perfect for the ice age diorama. In my scene, I have a giant penguin mediating some sort of truce between two woolly mammoths and a polar bear.

    1 Bag Austin Zoo Animal Crackers
    1 Entemann's Iced Honey Bun
    Serves: 3
    Price: $2.25

    Take the Iced Honey Bun out of its package and place on the table. Select appropriate animals from the Animal Cracker bags. (If you want Camels in the ice age that's your business). Press animals into the honey bun to form your ice age scene.

    TM Radio: Oriental Chicken and Rice Soup

    On today's episode of Traveling Munchies Radio we discuss the importing of foodstuff from around the world. Why would I import chickens from the orient just to make soup? It seems rather inefficient.

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    Saturday, May 3, 2008

    Vending Machine Recipe #12: Hot Tamales

    Hola amigos. Today's recipe has a Mexican flair. This is due to a new arrival in the office vending machine, Miss Vickie's Hand-Picked Jalapeno potato chips. Miss Vickie's is a Canadian outfit now owned by Frito-Lay so I would say that this recipe is Muy bien, eh?

    This is a simple tamale recipe that combines the corn flavor of the Fritos with the chili flavor of the potato chips.

    This recipe would be perfect for your Cinco de Mayo celebration at the office.

    1 Bag Miss Vickie's Hand-Picked Jalapeno potato chips
    1 Bag Fritos Original Corn Chips
    Serves: 2
    Price: $1.80

    Combine the Fritos and the potato chips into individual servings at a ratio of 3 corn chips to 1 potato chip. Pop the whole serving into your mouth at the same time. Enjoy.

    Sunday, April 27, 2008

    Fritos Candle for vending machine recipe mood lighting

    If you need some mood lighting for you vending machine recipe, try Fritos. Fritos burn easily and will stay burning for a few minutes. So make a candle to go with your chocolate rose and really impress that special someone.

    Thursday, April 17, 2008

    Traveling Munchie #13 - Herr's Chocolate Covered Potato Chips

    Today's traveling munchie comes from my sons Forrest and Craig, who were lucky enough to go on a tour of the Herr's Potato Chip factory in Nottingham, Pennsylvania with the Boy Scouts.

    Thinking of Dear Old Dad, they managed to pitch in and buy me this container of Chocolate Covered Potato Chips with the money they didn't blow on game room games, snacks for themselves, and other souvenirs.

    These chips, by the way, taste fantastic! I love the salty - sweet combination and the crunchy - smooth combination that the chocolate and the potato chip provide as contrast to one another.

    The most amazing thing is they survived the 6 hour bus ride home!

    Monday, April 14, 2008

    TM Radio: Shamrock Shake Poetry

    On today's episode of Traveling Munchies Radio my guest host is Topher who brings news of late season Shamrock Shake availability, store ratings, and a special poem about everyone's favorite minty green shake.

    Shamrock Shake
    A Fib poem by Topher

    Shamrock Shake.
    Kudos Grimace, for
    My annual frozen delight.
    Why does Saint Patrick's Day come 'round only once a year?

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    Saturday, April 5, 2008

    Vending Machine Recipe #11: Chocolate PB&J Tarts

    Peanut Butter and Jelly is a classic sandwich for kids of all ages, right? Pop Tarts are a good source of seven essential vitamins and minerals, right? And chocolate? Well, who doesn't like chocolate?

    This recipe tastes good and is good for you. It is a brunch sort of recipe since it has the breakfast-oriented Pop Tarts combined with the lunch-oriented PB&J sandwich.

    It is very filling and can easily be shared amongst 3 or maybe even four people.

    1 Package Reese's Peanut Butter Cups
    1 Pouch Kellogg's Strawberry Pop Tarts
    Serves: 3
    Price: $1.80

    Break off a piece of peanut butter cup and break of a piece of pop tart. Eat them together at the same time.

    Vending Machine Recipe #10: Vegetable Soup

    Man I wish the vending machine would stock those meat sticks again. There are so many recipes waiting to be born if only there were meat. In the mean time, I happened to see a Mrs. Freshley's Carrot Cake and thought: "What can I make with carrots?" The obvious choice to go with carrots is potatoes, and thus was born this recipe for vegetable soup.

    I know what you're thinking: "How can it be soup without liquid?" Use your imagination people. It's a vending machine recipe. This one would make an excellent side dish for those meat recipes that I will have when I find meat sticks in a vending machine again.

    1 Package Mrs. Freshley's Carrot Cake
    1 Bag Lay's Classic Potato Chips
    Serves: 2
    Price: $1.85

    Break a piece of carrot cake off the bottom of the cake being careful to not include any of the frosting. Place the carrot cake piece onto a potato chip and pop it in your mouth.

    Wednesday, April 2, 2008

    TM Radio: Traveling With Cakes

    Why in the world is someone from Quatar searching for "Pictures of Drakes Cakes". Listen as we discuss this as well as other favorite google search keywords that lead people to, such as "traveling with cakes".

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    Saturday, March 8, 2008

    Vending Machine Recipe #9 - PB&J Sandwich

    They (whoever they are) recently replaced the $1.50 bag of peanuts in our vending machine at work with a $1.50 bag of Twizzlers. So for recipe #9 I endeavored to make something with the strawberry twists.

    It occurred to me that Twizzlers are basically the same as jelly that has dried up into a hard mass. So with that appetizing thought in mind, I realized I had the makings of a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

    Here is how it goes:

    1 Package Twizzlers Strawberry Twists
    1 Package Frito Lay Peanut Butter Toast Crackers
    Serves: 3
    Price: $2.25

    Open up a peanut butter cracker. Rip off two pieces of twizzlers where each piece is about the length of the cracker's diameter. Lay the twizzler pieces on one piece of cracker then put the remaining cracker back on top to form a sandwich.

    Friday, February 29, 2008

    Vending Machine Recipe #8 - Caramel Apple Corn

    Today I wanted to try something that would approximate a caramel apple. I found these Quakers Caramel Corn rice cakes and I combined them with an Apple Cinnamon Nutri-grain bar. The cinnamon flavor overpowered the caramel flavor unless when mixed one-for-one. I decided the best way to eat it was to make a sandwich out of it. Two caramel corn rice cakes for the bread and the nutri-grain bar for the filling. The most suprising aspect of this recipe was the stark contrast between the dry crunchy rice cakes and the moist gooey cinnamon apple filling of the Nutri-grain bar.

    1 Apple Cinnamon Nutri-grain bar
    1 Bag Quakes Rice Snacks - Caramel Corn flavor
    Serves: 2
    Price: $1.75

    Make a sandwich by using two rice cakes as the bread and by breaking off a piece of the nutri-gran bar as the filling. Makes about 3 - 4 sandwiches with one nutri-grain bar.

    Thursday, February 28, 2008

    Vending Machine Recipe #7 - PB Pretzel Cups

    While pondering the vending machine today, co-worker Tom stopped by and we began to discuss possible recipes. Tom said, he always liked the peanut butter pretzel combo snacks so we decided to make our own twist. This is the best of both worlds, salty and sweet. It is both a chocolate covered pretzel and a peanut butter pretzel all in one. Delicious.

    1 Package Reese's Peanut Butter Cups
    1 Bag Snyder's Sourdough Pretzel Nibblers
    Serves: 3
    Price: $1.80

    Open up the Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. Dip a Nibbler into the cup and eat.

    Vending Machine Recipe #6 - Fruit Cake

    Today's Recipe is a vending machine version of the old holiday classic -- the fruit cake. It is like the traditional fruit cake in that it contains strange gummy chunks of "fruit" but the similarities pretty much end there. It is still a fairly enjoyable taste combination of fruit and coffee cake though and is good for a breakfast snack or as a dessert.

    1 Drake's Coffee Cake
    1 Bag Kellog's Fruity Snacks
    Serves: 2
    Price: $1.80

    Break off a piece of drakes cake, pop it in your mouth along with a fruity snack.

    Tuesday, February 26, 2008

    Vending Machine Recipe #5 - Fish and Chips

    Todays Recipe Fish and chips. It must be an acquired taste. But it does kind of taste like a Monte Cristo sandwich.

    1 Package Swedish Fish
    1 Bag Lays Classic Potato Chips
    Serves: 2
    Price: $1.80

    Place one swedish fish on a potato chip and eat. Repeat until out of chips or fish. I ran out of fish first.

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    Saturday, February 16, 2008

    Vending Machine Recipe #4 - Chunky Peanut Butter Cups

    Today's vending machine recipe is for those who love chunky peanut butter over creamy peanut butter.

    1 Package Planters Peanuts
    1 Package Reese's Peanut Butter Cups
    Serves: 3
    Price: $2.00

    Open up the Peanut Butter Cups and the Mr. Peanuts. Stuff some peanuts into the Peanut Butter Cup and enjoy.

    Suggested by Nick Casciano of

    Thursday, February 14, 2008

    Vending Machine Recipe #3 - Chocolate Rose

    Just in time for valentines day last minute shoppers. If you have no clue what to give your sweetie for V-day, you can make this delicious rose from 3 items found in almost every vending machine (Snickers Bar, Reese's Peanut Butter Cup, and M&M's). Listen now for the full story.

    1 Snickers Bar
    1 Package Reese's Peanut Butter Cups
    1 Package Plain M&M's
    Serves: 2
    Price: $3.00

    Open the Snickers bar and put on a napkin. Use 1 Reese's peanut butter cup as the head of the rose. To glue it onto the Snicker's bar, dig out some sticky stuff from the back of a second peanut butter cup. Stick red M&M's onto the peanut butter cup to color the head of the rose. Stick green M&M's down the trunk of the Snicker's bar to color in the stem. M&M's can be stuck on using the same sticky stuff from the back of that other peanut butter cup.

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    Tuesday, February 12, 2008 - another great site for munchie lovers

    I just found a cool site called It has all sorts of food and munchie related features such as "food porn daily" which is pictures and descriptions of scrumptious food. They also have some quirky news items like:
    Kraft will help fight intestinal worms
    The girl who eats only french fries

    Monday, February 11, 2008

    Vending Machine Recipe#2 - Half Baked Lays

    On todays episode of Traveling Munchies Radio we discuss vending machine recipe #2 - Half Baked Lays. Also we discuss the "top row hanger" stuck munchie scenario, and how to do your fellow man a favor by throwing out fruit pie lard bombs.

    1 Bag Baked Lays Original Potato Crisps
    1 Bag Classic Lays Potato Chips
    Serves: 2
    Price: $1.60

    Open both bags of chips and pour together into a bowl or onto a napkin. Gently mix the chips together. Eat chips 2 at a time (1 of each kind of chip). The combo mostly tastes like Baked Lays, but has the greasy finish of the Classic chips. In all honesty, we just liked the name "Half-baked Lays". However, this recipe can serve as a side dish like twice-baked potatoes.

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    Friday, February 8, 2008

    More vending machine recipes

    I found some more vending machine recipes on the Iowa State Daily website. These are pretty elaborate but look awesome.

    The recipes include:

    Chocolate Mousse Suprise (Famos Amos, 3 Musketeers, Dove bar)
    Mini-Donut Melt (Mini-Donuts, Dove bar, Kit Kat bar)
    Cookie Chocolate Mountain (animal crackers, Dove bar, Kit Kat bar, Heath bar)

    Vending Machine Recipe#1: Berry Pie

    Today's vending machine repcipe is berry pie. Dan explains and Nick cringes at a simple recipe made from the snacks in your local vending machine.

    1 Bag Kellog's Fruity Snacks
    1 Pouch Kellog's Brown Sugar and Cinnamon Pop Tarts
    Serves: 4
    Price: $2.25

    Rip off a bite-sized piece of a Pop Tart. Place 1 gummy fruit piece on top of the Pop Tart. Pop it in your mouth and enjoy. The Fruity snacks come in strawberry, raspberry, and blueberry flavors. They can be mixed together for different pie flavors. Straberry-raspberry is a good one.

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    Monday, February 4, 2008

    Traveling Munchies #12: Kurkure Snacks

    Our latest Traveling Munchie comes from Jyoti, who shared an Indian snack (of course owned by Pepsi )with a brand name of Kurkure.

    There were four flavors of Kurkure snack that we sampled:
    Green Chutney Rajasthani Style
    Red Chili Chatka
    Masala Munch
    Tamatar Hyderabadi Style

    The most popular flavor in our taste tests were the Masala Munch. It had lots of tasty Indian spices, but not too much heat. The Tamatar Hyderabadi style were the hottest, most overpowing flavor out of the bunch. The were all very addictive.

    Thanks for the munchies Jyoti.

    Friday, February 1, 2008

    Traveling Munchies Radio: Drake's Cakes and Guacamole Football Fields

    On today's episode we discuss Drake's cakes and super bowl snacks, including the newest invention on the snacking scene: The Guacamole Football Field.

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    Wednesday, January 23, 2008

    Traveling Munchies Radio: Hand Formed Hamburgers

    Lunch today was "Hand Formed Hamburgers"...ick. What exactly does that mean? Listen as we discuss on today's episode of Traveling Munchies Radio.

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    Tuesday, January 15, 2008

    Traveling Munchies Radio: Fondling Mr. Peanut

    On today's episode, we discuss a lunch date with Mr. Peanut, Irish Lamb Stew, and whether everything that grows in the ground is good for your eyes.
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