Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Traveling Munchies Radio: Hand Formed Hamburgers

Lunch today was "Hand Formed Hamburgers"...ick. What exactly does that mean? Listen as we discuss on today's episode of Traveling Munchies Radio.

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Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Traveling Munchies Radio: Fondling Mr. Peanut

On today's episode, we discuss a lunch date with Mr. Peanut, Irish Lamb Stew, and whether everything that grows in the ground is good for your eyes.
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Thursday, January 10, 2008

Farmers begrudgingly refrain from growth hormones

I noticed on the side of a milk carton today that the farmers' pledge to refrain from using artificial growth hormones came with a footnote:

11000 Farmers' Pledge No Artificial Growth Hormones*
*To satisfy our consumers

What is up with that footnote? Apparently if it were up to the farmers, they would have cows that look like Arnold Schwarzenegger with utters. But no, the "consumers" don't want growth hormones so fine then...I guess we'll leave it out.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Traveling Munchies Radio: What's a "heine" and where do I dunk it?

On today's episode we discuss dunking sticks, Dunkin' Donuts, and other dunking related topics.

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Monday, January 7, 2008

Traveling Munchies Radio: Eating soup from the strone mine

Nick and Dan discuss Dan's soup from the strone mine and launching hummus into space.

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Thursday, January 3, 2008

U.N. Declares Potato Chips and Fries to be Potato Non Grata

Even though the United Nations has declared 2008 to be the International Year of the Potato, they have sliced and diced "deep fried potato products" out of the festivities. The U.N. has created a website called to promote the year long celebration of the mighty spud. They have even created a promotional logo. However, access to the use of the logo is strictly controlled.

In order to use the official logo of the International Year of the Potato you have to apply to the International Year of the Potato Secretariat in Rome, Italy. Upon reading the not-so-fine print on the application form, you will notice an injunction against the ever so tasty potato chips, french fries, hash browns, and other fried potato snacks.

I say, phooey! Potato chip lovers unite! The eyes of the potato-based snack food lovers are upon you, United Nations. Repeal, this half-baked approach to potato celebration and embrace all forms of potato food.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Traveling Munchies Radio: How to get a stuck munchie out of the machine

Today at the vending machine a co-worker encountered the classic vending dilemma: a munchie falls down and gets stuck right above the dispenser. I coached him through the process of using a Fig Newton as a projectile to dislodge the stuck Baked Lays chip bag. Listen to the full story on today's episode of Traveling Munchies Radio.

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Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Kettle Potato Chips: Good for the Environment!

On tonight's NBC Nightly news: NBC's Anne Thompson reports on two potato chip makers that are doing their part to help the environment in the latest of the 'Our Planet' series. Kettle foods in Beloit Wisconsin has built a new chip making facility that includes lots of green gizmos like wind turbines, water recycling, and natural lighting. All good for making chips with less damage to mother earth (except of course to the potatos), but hey, if you are going to make potato chips you have to kill a potato.

View the the video on the NBC site here.