Thursday, January 3, 2008

U.N. Declares Potato Chips and Fries to be Potato Non Grata

Even though the United Nations has declared 2008 to be the International Year of the Potato, they have sliced and diced "deep fried potato products" out of the festivities. The U.N. has created a website called to promote the year long celebration of the mighty spud. They have even created a promotional logo. However, access to the use of the logo is strictly controlled.

In order to use the official logo of the International Year of the Potato you have to apply to the International Year of the Potato Secretariat in Rome, Italy. Upon reading the not-so-fine print on the application form, you will notice an injunction against the ever so tasty potato chips, french fries, hash browns, and other fried potato snacks.

I say, phooey! Potato chip lovers unite! The eyes of the potato-based snack food lovers are upon you, United Nations. Repeal, this half-baked approach to potato celebration and embrace all forms of potato food.

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