Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Branding Run Amok: Route 11 Potato Chips

I'm all for advertising, but I have limits to the amount of hyperbole I can withstand on a single package of potato chips.

Take for example this bag of Route 11 potato chips. The tag line at the bottom of all their bags these days is:
"Made in Limited Quantities, but in Unlimited Quality."

First of all, is it possible to make ANYTHING in unlimited quantities? What are they trying to contrast themselves with? Are they saying Lays and Wise makes their potato chips in infinite quantities? It doesn't take and economics expert to figure out where the supply/demand curve ends up when there is an infinite supply.

Second of all, what is with the "unlimited quality" claim right next to the expiration date? Are they saying that going stale as of February 2008 is not a limitation to the quality of their chips? Ridiculous.

On the back of the bag, there is another branding-run-amok display on the mailing address. Because these are "Route 11" potato chips, they somehow feel it is more in line with the brand to include "Route 11" not only in the Name of the company but also the first line of the address, EVEN THOUGH THEY HAVE A POST OFFICE BOX.

Just to make sure I wasn't over-reacting, I checked the address out with the U.S. Post Office address verification service. Sure enough, the post office address scrubber drops the U.S. Route 11 off the address.

Come on, people. Give me a break.

I invite all opinions via the comment link below, or via writing at:
Traveling Munchies
c/o Traveling Munchies

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